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December 2013

Bella & Tank Edition

Dec 1 - Well, it's been thirteen weeks since the pups were born and they are still cuter than ever! Charlie is very happy in his new home and his new family is thrilled. Reports are that he is almost house trained.

On Thanksgiving, Pistol tugged at the heartstrings of dinner guests and ended up with a home of his own. His new family has two young boys who were very persuasive, so Pistol (now named Ruger) should feel right at home.

Dylan found a home today (Dec 1) when out of the blue a couple stopped us on the street while we were walking the dogs and asked about the neighborhood. As it turned out, they were looking for a puppy and came into visit. They left, asking if they could think it over but called shortly after that, turned around and came back to pick up their new family member.

So, now there's one puppy who will stay here. I cried my eyes out to see another of my buddies leave, but I was also thankful for the loving households.

So, in this edition, Mommy and Dad have been to the hair dressers and are ready for their moment in the spotlight. Bella and Tank are two beautiful dogs and you can see why their boys are such handsome chaps.

Standard Poodle Pups (13 Weeks Old - All Placed in Loving Homes)

Bella & Tank Pics

Playtime Pics (at 13 weeks)

Copyright © 2014 Larry Mistrot